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  2. Language assets

TM settings

Your Translation Memory and Glossary tab has two separate lists:

Active Resources are the translation memories that you have assigned to the project you are creating or working on; MyMemory, the public translation memory shared by all Matecat users, is ranked first among the active resources and is indicated with a world icon. When clicking on the corresponding Import TMX button, users can add their TMs to the Public Memory.

By adding a resource, users ensure that all translations are saved in their private resources and not in the public memory. By default, any added resource has the Update checkbox selected; in this case the public translation memory will not be fed with the translated segments. In other words, users can choose not to have their translations saved in the public translation memory (MyMemory) by selecting the Update checkbox corresponding to the private key.

Inactive Resources are the translation memories that you have saved in your Matecat account. You can activate a TM and add it to a project by selecting the Activate checkbox next to the private key. Once the resource has been enabled, Matecat will automatically check both the Lookup and Update checkboxes. Users can manually clear the Update checkbox next to the private TM if they would like their translations to be saved inside the public translation memory.

Lookup and Update

For each TM, you can decide whether you want to use it to look up translation matches or to also save your translations to it. To do that, select one or both of the Lookup and Update checkboxes.

Only Lookup selected: the translation memory is only used to look up translation matches from your private TM;

Only Update selected: the translation memory is only used to save your translated segments in the private TM;

Both Lookup and Update selected: the translation memory is used both to look up translation matches and to save your translated segments in the private TM.

Penalty and prioritization

For each memory, it is possible to add a penalty percentage.

The penalty lowers the percentage of matches found by MyMemory. 

If I penalize the TMX by 5%, a 100% match of that TM will be considered as a 95% match, both in analysis and in the editor.

This means that in the analysis stage that match will be placed in the 95-99% bucket, rather than in the 100% bucket, and that in the editor page it will be shown after matches that have a match percentage > 95, even if they come from other TMs. 

If you have two matches from different TMs with the same percentage match, priority determines which one is shown to the translator first. 

In the case of a 100/101% match, priority also determines which one is applied in pre-translation. So, if I have two 101% matches in TMs, the one higher up in the TM panel will be applied in pre-translation.

When prioritization is inactive, the order of TMs in the panel is irrelevant. In this case, the most recent match is chosen among the ones with the same percentage.

On the editor page, the penalty percentage will be displayed near the TM match.

By hovering the mouse over the penalty percentage, a tooltip will clarify what it stands for.