Adding Comments

For projects involving collaborative translations, you can split jobs with multiple translators, share translation memories and glossaries updated in real time, and you can also perform translation and revision at the same time.

In order to make collaboration even easier, Matecat enables users to add comments while working on projects.


You can leave a comment for the project owner or for your colleagues, or even a note for yourself on each segment in a Matecat job. Notifications of new comments are sent via email to logged-in users and are also displayed in the top right corner.




You can add and read comments from other colleagues even if you are not signed in, but in that case you will not receive notifications for the new comments.

You can tag other users in the comment, only if they are included in the Team under which the project has been created.


You can understand if the job contains comments looking at the bubble icon in the top bar.

The comments feature can be used for both target and source segments.

Once created a comment can be deleted or resolved.

If you click on Delete, the comment will immediately disappear from the job.

If you click on Resolve, the Comment box will change in colour and a track of the action will be noted under the original comment.

Even in this case, if you are logged in you will receive a notification by email.

Closing the box you will notice that the speech bubble icon near the segment will no more be reporting the comment.