When translating, your translations are saved as bilingual sentences in a so-called translation memory (TM), a sort of database containing bilingual segments (sentences, sets of words or single words already translated in one or more language pairs) which can be used during the translation of the same project or future projects.
While translating, if you have a segment that is identical or similar to another one that has already been translated, the translation memory suggests the wording of the already translated segment so that you can use it, partially or entirely, for the translation of the new segment.
In Matecat, you can save and store your translations:
- in a generic public translation memory that can be accessed via API by all Matecat users.
- in a new or already existing private TM assigned to one or more projects or to a specific client that enables you to save your translation in a private translation memory that cannot be accessed by external users.
In Matecat, each private TM is identified by a unique alphanumeric value called private TM Key. It is the only value you need in order to associate your TM(s) with your project. It works like a password to access your private TM in the Matecat Translation Memory engine.
If you save your translations in a private TM, they will be stored exclusively there and only you will have access to the matches from that private TM.
If you save your translations in the public TM, all Matecat users can view them as suggestions. It would represent a human contribution to a public TM and help other Matecat users during their translation jobs in Matecat.
If you work on a project created by another user (e.g. your PM) or you are working with a colleague, you may see translation memories that do not belong to you: they are covered with asterisks.
These are private TMs that another user added to the project and chose to share with you. Only the owner of those TMs can decide whether to add them to a project or make them available to you.