1. User guide
  2. Quality check tools

Matecat QA with lexiQA

LexiQA (www.lexiqa.net) is a tool that automatically reviews content performing checks for punctuation, numerals, links, symbols and spellings. Potential errors are identified and highlighted to make corrections and amendments where appropriate.

How to QA Matecat jobs with lexiQA?            

LexiQA’s innovative checks are active by default in Matecat when you work with any combination of the following languages:

Afrikaans English US Javanese Serbian Cyrillic
Albanian English Australia Hebrew Sinhala
Arabic English Canada Haitian Creole French Slovak
Armenian English India Kazakh Slovenian
Assamese English Ireland Kirundi Spanish
Azerbaijani English New Zealand Korean
Spanish Colombia
Belgian French English Singapore Kyrgyz Spanish Mexico
Bengali Estonian Latvian
Spanish United States
Belarusian Finnish Lithuanian
Spanish Latin America
Bosnian French Macedonian Swahili
Bulgarian French Canada Malay Swedish
Burmese French Swiss Marathi Swiss German
Catalan German Nepali Tagalog
Chinese Simplified Georgian Norwegian Bokmål Tamil Sri Lanka
Chinese Traditional Greek Persian Tamil India
Chinese Trad.
(Hong Kong)
Gujarati Polish Thai
Croatian Hindi Portuguese Turkish
Czech Hungarian Portuguese Brazil Ukrainian
Danish Indonesian Romanian Urdu
Dutch Italian Russian Uzbek
English Japanese Serbian Latin Vietnamese

To verify if the QA by lexiQA is “Active” just click on Settings in the home page or in the top right corner of the Translation Editor page. The Settings Panel opens and by clicking on the Advanced Options tab you can check if the feature is “Active”.

The top bar on the Translation Editor page features an icon that warns of any potential QA issues in the translation. The warning sign includes a circle indicating the number of issues found in the project.

For instance, the icon 

warns the user that there is a potential issue within the ongoing translation job. Click on the icon to bring up the lexiQA dashboard where you will find:

  • lexiQA icon reporting the number of potential errors
  • QA guide
  • Full QA report (takes you to the dedicated QA report page, where you can find all relevant project data)

Errors are highlighted with a specific color code. You can hover your mouse over each highlighted area and a pop-up will display the type of error detected.

You can:

  • IGNORE the error by clicking on IGNORE if you believe no correction is necessary. This error will no longer be highlighted in the segment, you can still see all ignored errors by clicking on the “Full QA report” icon in the lexiQA dashboard.
  • CORRECT the error and confirm the translation by clicking on the Translated button. The lexiQA icon, in this case, will no longer display the error.