Project Templates

Create and manage templates for your projects

A project template organizes all the necessary project creation settings in one place. With project templates, Matecat users can easily apply the appropriate settings for different project types without having to adjust each one manually every time. This ensures consistent and efficient project setups, including configurations for Translation Memories (TMs), glossaries, Machine Translation (MT) preferences, and other project-specific parameters.

In order to use a template to create a project, you can select it directly from the “Project template” dropdown in the homepage or from the same dropdown inside the settings panel.


Initially, the only available template is the Standard one.

The standard template includes the following predefined settings:

  • Translation Memory and Glossary: the public TM, MyMemory is enabled in “lookup” and “update” mode
  • Machine Translation: the MT engine is ModernMT lite
  • Quality framework: the default quality framework is selected
  • Analysis: the default billing model is selected
  • Advanced settings: the default advanced settings are selected (Dictation is inactive, Guess tag position is active, QA by LexiAQ is active, Cross-language matches are to be selected, Segmentation rules are set to General and Team is set to Personal).

Creating a customized template

You have the flexibility to create custom templates to suit your specific requirements by modifying the settings mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Whenever a setting is changed in the currently-selected template, the template’s name turns blue, an asterisk is added to the end of the name, and a blue dot appears to the right of the settings tab that has been edited.
Any change made triggers the option to save the current settings in a new template and, when an existing template is selected, to save the changes to a new version of the template.


If you decide to create a new template, you will be asked to name it.

Please note that if you modify the settings of a template and do not save the changes, the current settings will still be applied to the project you are creating.


Choosing a template as your default

You can set any template as the default one by pressing the “Set as default” button after selecting it.
The default template will be automatically selected every time you open Matecat’s homepage. Setting a template as default can be useful for skipping an additional step when most projects you create require the same settings. This ensures efficiency in your workflow. 

When the default template doesn't fit the needs of the specific project you are creating, you can  select a different template or change its settings to fit your current project.

Managing templates

You can manage your templates at any time by selecting one of them from the drop-down list. After selecting a template, you can rename it, delete it or edit its settings

If you delete a template you’ve previously set as the default one, Matecat will restore the standard template as the default option.